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All About Tools and Brushes

Presented on the Fourth Monday of Most Every Month.

Location 1

Hizmet Açıklaması

“What is a double rake and what patterns does it make?” “Can I make my own marbling tools?” “Traditional horsehair, or plastic bristles?” These and other questions demystified by HEIDI on fourth Mondays. Join us! You can shop and learn basics about tools and brushes at *** Stop by for some Free Learning live on Zoom every Monday afternoon, 2:30-3:00. In this revolving 4-part series, Heidi discusses basic parts of the process. Perfect for beginning marbling artists and curious or tentative bystanders! This is a Free Learning class and you need not own The Serious Beginner's Marbling Kit to participate. These 4 topics rotate each Monday afternoon at this time: All about Paint --First Mondays All about Paper -- Second Mondays All about Tools -- Third Mondays All about Powders -- Fourth Mondays

Yaklaşan Seanslar

İptal Koşulları

Please contact us 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel a booking. If you can't, we'll still appreciate knowing even an hour before. This will help Heidi in making preparations. We hope to see you soon!

İletişim Bilgileri

  • Petoskey, MI, USA

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